Healthy Eating 2022


Eat Well
Looking to make a healthy choice? Our Eat Well sunflower logo, which appears on hundreds of products across our Foodhall, makes it easy What is Eat Well? Our exclusive Eat Well sunflower makes it simple to make healthier, but still delicious,...
How to Balance Your Diet
No single food can give you all the nutrients you need – it’s time to mix up your meals and add variety - Strike the balance A healthy balanced diet Grouping foods into what’s healthy and what’s not can be simple, but when it comes to a balanc...
Nutrition Basics
In a world where the advice on what is healthy seems to change almost daily, deciding what to eat can get confusing. From lean protein to enjoying your five a day, read our top tips for maintaining great nutrition, no matter your dietary choices ...
Wholegrains and Carbohydrates
An important source of energy, carbohydrates are a rich source of fibre, B vitamins, iron, and folate Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and grains are important sources of energy in our diets. They provide complex and simple carbohydrates that our bo...
Protein and Fish
A great source of lean protein, fish provides the body with heart-healthy omega 3 fats, vitamins and minerals Fish is a great source of lean protein and heart-healthy omega 3 fats, which are key to growth and development. It’s also low in satura...
Dairy and More
Packed with calcium and iodine, dairy and non-dairy alternatives provide essential nutrients for every day Dairy foods are an important source of protein, calcium and iodine as well as riboflavin and vitamin B12. Try to choose lower fat options ...
This much-maligned mineral is, in moderations, essential to our body’s functioning Our bodies need salt to function but too much can increase blood pressure and in turn increase the risk of heart disease or stroke. Most people in the UK are e...
This simple carbohydrate has been in the press a lot recently for its disease-related impact Sugars are simple carbohydrates which our body breaks down to provide an instant source of energy. Diets high in sugar can increase the risk of tooth de...
Gut Health
Improve and maintain a healthy gut with food packed full of live cultures and fibre The human body is home to a thriving community of 100 trillion bacteria, most of which live in our large intestine and in totality is known as our gut microbiome...
Fat and Saturated Fat
The facts on fat have changed and we now understand the importance of this macro nutrient Our bodies need a small amount of fat from our diets to provide essential fats such as omega 3 and to help us absorb vitamins. However, fats provide 9kcal ...
Vegan and Vegetarian Diets
Whether you’re vegan, veggie, flexitarian or just interested in eating more veg, our nutritionists are here to help A plant-based diet explained Plant-based eating is closely aligned with the Mediterranean diet, consisting of plenty of vegetabl...
Allergies & Intolerances
If you’re gluten or dairy free, or want to know more about allergies, read all about it here  We’ve pulled together some useful information to help you find the right foods for your diet, but it’s important to seek advice from your GP if you think...